Today we discover another of those small villages that end up surprising. Berzosa is a small and cozy village of narrow streets on a slope very close to El Burgo de Osma. Apart from many other charms this time we write for its heritage. We refer to the charming church of San Martín de Tours with a beautiful arcaded gallery in Romanesque style.

To access such a precious treasure we must climb to the top of the town where this monument declared of Cultural Interest awaits us. This temple began to be built in the eleventh century. The gallery, as happened in many of the contemporary temples, would be added later, specifically at the end of the twelfth century. The rest of the buildings that we can see today are due to a reform carried out during the eighteenth century.

One of the details that we like the most is that it is in the center of a considerable esplanade of green grass. From this place you can hardly see the rest of the houses in the village, but we do have a fantastic panoramic view of the distance and the fields. We approached to examine the details that the carved stones offer us. We are not great connoisseurs, but we know how to appreciate beauty. The door consists of 3 arches with a rather simple but equally beautiful ornamentation. That decoration in the form of small squares that we found is called checkerboard and is one of our favorites.

After observing the door we turned to admire its gallery. It has 7 arches of which the center constitutes at the same time the access. As we have done our homework before coming, we have documented ourselves and know that its robust columns are quadruple shaft and carved in a single block. One of the most beautiful we have visited so far. Do you want more information about its details? Click here.
We say goodbye from here to today's entrance, watching the sunset from such a privileged position. If you accept the suggestion, visit it in the afternoon and stay to watch the sunset. The panoramic view of the horizon, the light of the sunset and the magic of the Romanesque will give you a unique picture.


Bonus track
Recently the town of Berzosa made a longer article about their town, you can read it here.