Hotel Rural Los Villares, tasting delicacies of gods!

One of our best gastronomic experiences of recent years has just been experienced by tasting delicacies of gods at the Hotel Rural Los Villares. Don't know this establishment? For us it is a recent discovery, but we have to say that its increasingly widespread fame precedes it. No wonder his schedule is very tight…

For all those who did not know of its existence we tell you briefly that it is in the town of Los Villares de Soria just 20 km from the capital, which makes it even more attractive. It is a small and beautiful town located in an environment with a lot of charm and a varied tourist offer that we will tell you later so that you are encouraged to visit the area.

But let's move directly to what is arousing the most interest right now in the impatient mind of the reader.


This time we enjoyed the Truffle Tasting Menu consisting of:
– 7 starters
– 1 first (to choose)– 1 second (to choose)

– Assortment of varied desserts

And as a picture is worth a thousand words here are the starters, preceded by a
truffle butter with toast courtesy of the house.

– Cubata de Barceló-Cola with foie gras and Peta Zeta de lima.
– Cupcakes of pine nuts, chestnuts and truffle.
– Foie, truffle and almond
bonbon. – Roquefort croquettes, raisins, pine nuts and spinach and partridge, chestnut and mushroom croquettes.
– Potato canutillo with truffled cod brandade.
– Seaweed waffle with guacamole, smoked eel, citrus mayonnaise, tomato and salmon roe (off menu)
– Crispy nest of kataifi paste stuffed with cod brandade and seaweed.
– Pickled níscalos with cava (off the menu)
– Canelón of cochineal confit and mango with truffled béchamel, chestnut slices and truffle.

Among the various options of first courses we choose chestnut cream, strawberry and lentil gazpacho with nécoras and chocolate.

We were accompanied by second fried suckling pig, tuna with onions, cod with cocochas and pickled partridge and tongue.

Finally the sweet touch is the assortment of desserts composed of fried milk, cheesecake and yogurt based on fried bread and pistachio sprinkled with wine powder and homemade curd with mango syrup. In addition, they gave us a hearty portion of delicious traditional cheesecake and some original light and delicious zucchini custard.

However, we had to try tasty dishes such as cod cream, pochas, cheeks in sauce, chicken with cava … Since the menu offer varies weekly and will offer you new viands that you probably did not expect to find.

If you were wondering its price, it is € 38 without including winery. In this aspect there is a varied menu, we are left with a red wine from the province, of course. On the other hand, the date until which you can enjoy this very successful menu that Lourdes prepares with her heavenly hands is approximately March 15.

What we liked most about Hotel Rural Los Villares is that it is a lively and dynamic establishment that does not settle into the mediocrity of always offering diners the same menu of "sota, caballo y rey". As we say, their menus vary frequently adapting to seasonal products and giving special prominence to local ingredients. They are not left out of the Mycological Days, whose tapas contest they have already won and remain active within the different gastronomic events that take place in the province such as the Beejar Truffle Fair where they participated with their potato, cod, chestnut and truffle canutillos.

In addition, during the week they also offer daily menu and Thursdays are cooked day, which enjoys great reception among the clientele.

Why come to Los Villares de Soria?

Los Villares de Soria is the ideal place to establish your base camp and get to know everything that awaits you in the environment. This small town offers as soon as you arrive an image of spaciousness and tranquility. Located on a plain, its houses of 1 and 2 floors preserve the traditional aesthetics of the area and the places of recreation and recreation have special prominence.

From here you can go to Soria capital to get to know the city and its most famous places because it takes about 20 minutes to arrive. In addition, the surrounding villages that cross the road to go there as Renieblas and Almajano are equally picturesque with stone as the main protagonist of their streets so they also deserve to be traveled.

You can also discover other nearby towns such as:
Castilfrío de la Sierra (10 km)
Aldealseñor (6 km)
Garagueta Nature Reserve with its famous holly trees (18 km)
Route of the Ichnites (20 km)
Oncala (20 km)

*Acknowledgements: Thanks to Lourdes and Pablo for their invitation and dedication and to Noah for his treatment and attention, we promise to return.

Information of interest:


Phone: 975251255

Instagram: @losvillareshotelrural



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